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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Queen Orsenauy ll coin

Israeli archaeologists announced that they found a strange golden coin in Lebanese-Israeli border , and they think it back to 2200 AD .
And Professor Donald said - head of Israel Antiquities Authority - what they discovered is Value because thats the heaviest gold coin and the most value of any currency has been discovered in Israel before.
with a weight of 27 grams , were discovered in Tel Kadesh , while the gold coins that were discovered before هt weighed 4 grams , thats why it consider the most important discovery.
 Professor Donald confirmed the currency, which was discovered  that a rare , cause that coin were not for the use of the People , because the coin was for a symbolic occasion .
on the first side of the currency picture of queen Orsenauy ll  , and coined after 80 years of the queen death .
and on the other side of the coin have two overlapping pictures .
Professor Donald said that maybe the coin have a function that maybe related with festival honoring the queen .
Professor Donald said too "Very hard to find Ptolemaic coins in Israel"

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