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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Most rare rupees .....elephant and pig rupee 1911

And may tend to be minted class Indian Rupee one (1 Rupee) in the era of all kings the British during the direct rule of India and even the independence of India the full year 1947 and since the
track first in 1835 during the reign of the British king, William IV, King of the United Kingdom / Emperor of India (1830 --1,837) and after him the Queen Victoria Queen of UK / empress of India (1837-1901) King Woldha Adurard VII (1901-1910) Woldh King George V (1910-1936) Woldh King George VI (1936-1952) except the British king Edward Eighth recessive for the throne in 1936 (not minted in his reign short extended from January 1936 to October of the same year, any coins of India, for abandoning famous for the throne of the United Kingdom and his marriage to dancer U.S.), traditionally the population in the two cities Hindetyn most famous Calcutta and Bombay (or Mumbai) ...

All Indian rupees minted during the reign of the British occupation of India was one of the silver (from 1835 to 1945) except Rs lioness / tiger (shown on the back of the currency) issued in 1947 and minted from nickel, it appears that it was ominous to the Empire that do not lose sight of the sun , losing the crown jewel of British India, in 1947, that same ... And have been trading Indian Rupee in most parts of the Arabian Peninsula during and after World War I (1914 - 1918), so we set our attention on that currency not being the currency of India, but also the currency of most countries of the Arab East for more than a quarter of a century, especially those issued in the reigns of kings George V and his son George VI

In 1911 coined the first version of the King George V, and may have been changed back currency from those issued in 1910, and the face of the coin here contained for the first time a new king of the United Kingdom |: King George V as Emperor of India's crown and robe imperial, and as usual, was silent minted those in large quantities to cover the need in both the cities of beating Calcutta and Bombay, and had contained a robe and in the decoration and inscriptions a drawing of an elephant Sgarosfiel robe and near the bottom edge of the coin, funny thing is that minted that have not been widely accepted among the public Indian not light weight or degree of purity Vdtha compared to predecessors, has been the same weight 11.66 grams silver and high purity 917/1000, and that that which was rejected because of a small elephant, which I talked to you about the bottom of the imperial robe of the King George V.!!! He carried a small elephant (poor) in the form Almeskuk descriptions of approximately the form of pork, and is one of the animals that are not (clean) or desirable in the Indian middle year, that was carrying a small elephant poor legs and tail short legs like pork and has therefore ((Taknzer)) elephant ...!! So it was that was withdrawn most of the categories minted in 1911 and is in the millions, and re-minted after (Tviel) ((Elephant Almkhnzer)) after the re-designed to fit and taste and temperament of the Indian nation and wishes to issue the next version in 1912, an elephant and a clear beautiful and elegant and to be those of the Indian rupee in 1911, the rarest Indian rupees at all ..!!! And this historical fact and not of my invention when ...
         Is not this my brothers Villa ... Sorry, I mean, when added to the new Indian films Pope Jean ...!!Where I suffered total, the history of the Indian rupee used valuable Arab countries, I want to display models for each of rupees of India (1835 - 1947) of the two sets of special to make it as a reference for all, but I am and wanting to focus on the rupee issued in 1911 has affected the view that the rupee exclusively and the best that I have a picture of an elephant after 1912, to focus and lack of distractions ... Notice the difference in the legs (present in the elephant after 1912) and tail (longer in the post-Phil 1912), as well as Ivory

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